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The strangest hotels in the world

To truly amaze vacationers, some hotels go above and beyond to make every visitor's stay memorable and inspiring. Each hotel on this list does just that, and each one is a little odd in one way or another:the harmony with the environment it's surrounded by, the architecture, and/or the gorgeous view from the bedroom. Here are the 7 weirdest hotels in the whole world.

Attrap Rêves Bubble Hotel, France
The strangest hotels in the world
The Attrap Reves Hotel in Allauch, France, is also known as the 'Bubble Hotel' , because that's where you sleep – a transparent bubble. From inside the bubble, there's nothing to obstruct your view of the great outdoors, and you can sleep under the stars without worrying about pesky critters. The bubbles are made from recycled material and are environmentally friendly designed.

The Manta Resort, Pemba Island, Tanzania
The strangest hotels in the world
Anchored in an anomaly on the ocean floor, lies this floating underwater space. Encased in a turquoise-blue bubble, you can watch schools of fish swim by. The room offers three levels. The first is underwater with 360 degree views of the fishes of the ocean, the second level is at sea level with an area for lounging and a bathroom, and the third level is an upper deck, where you can gaze up at the beautiful nighttime heaven.

Magic Mountain, Chile
The strangest hotels in the world
Magic Mountain Lodge is shaped like a volcano and has water falling from the top in contrast to lava. The mountainous hotel has windows peeking out from all angles and moss growing on its surface, making it appear as if it is one with the forest. The hotel is only accessible by a swinging rope bridge.

Palacio de Sal, Bolivia
The strangest hotels in the world
This is probably the only hotel in the world made entirely of salt:the walls, floors, ceilings, furniture, sculptures, absolutely everything! Over a million salt blocks were used in the construction, with salt water used as the mortar.

Propeller Island City Lodge, Berlin
The strangest hotels in the world
Believe it or not, Propeller Island City Lodge is an “odditorium” spinning you will bring. This bizarre hotel offers weird themes in every room – green leather suite, floating bed suite, coffin suite (yes, the beds are coffins), mirrored room, and even an inverted suite where furniture hangs from the ceiling (bed and table too). Fortunately, guests sleep in hidden compartment beds on the floor.

The Shark Aquarium, France
The strangest hotels in the world
Do you like sharks? Then spend the night in a shark aquarium. This is your once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to sleep in an underwater room, where the only thing separating you from the sharks is the 360-degree transparent wall.

Prison Hotel, Stockholm
The strangest hotels in the world
Always wanted to know what it's like to spend the night in a prison? Then spend the night in prison! Close to Södermalm in Stockholm is the green island of Långholmen. Transformed an old prison into a unique, inviting and exciting hotel. The renovated cells offer comfortable suites or an enclosed space with caged doors, locked windows, bunk beds for cellmates. Striped pajamas and security are included.