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57% of the Dutch have had a holiday love at some point

57 percent of the Dutch have had a holiday crush at some point. Men significantly more often than women (64% versus 50%). A striking side effect is that a man's heart is less often broken by a holiday love (56%) than that of women (74%). Also, men were more often in a relationship (17%) during the holiday romance than women (11%). This is apparent from research by Zoover.

After the holidays, the love for most of the Dutch is immediately over. How the romance ends varies by age group. For example, millennials regularly end the relationship via social media (11%); while Dutch people older than 35 more often choose to end the romance via a letter. It is remarkable that especially Dutch people older than 35 regularly choose to simply no longer respond to messages from the other.

Men are more likely to succumb to holiday love; even if they are already in a relationship!
A salient detail is that one in seven Dutch people was in a relationship at the time of the holiday romance. Men appear to be in a relationship more often than women (17% versus 11%). It is also striking that 10 percent of men say that their holiday is not complete without a holiday love, while this applies to only 5 percent of women. In addition, men are more convinced than women that most people cheat on vacation (19% versus 11%).

The research also shows that:
A third of the holiday lovers come from the Netherlands
A quarter meet his or her holiday lover on a camping holiday
One in five believe that you have the best holiday experience in the Netherlands. most handsome men and women. Italians (16%) and Swedes (10%) are also popular among the Dutch
More than a third of the Dutch do not agree that a holiday love is only for young people
Seven percent of the Dutch is still together with his or her holiday sweetheart