The Dutch are not very adventurous on holiday. Four out of five (79.61%) indicate that they mainly visit places that are within walking distance. More than a third (40%) admit they are unlikely to get behind the wheel to explore new areas. Only a small minority (6.21%) like to step out of their comfort zone during holidays. In addition, about a quarter (24.14%) have an unfulfilled holiday dream. This is according to new research from Avis.
The findings show that the Dutch are very attached to their holiday planning – a quarter (22.07%) stick to it. They prepare their holiday trip thoroughly to avoid stress. A quarter (24.63%) spend more than ten hours exploring a destination in advance. When choosing a destination, the Dutch mainly take into account online reviews (38.03%) and suggestions from others (23.25%).
The research also shows that the majority (74.48%) feel happy after a spontaneous action. In general, we do need encouragement and inspiration to step out of our comfort zone. When this finally happens, the satisfaction can be enormous (58.42%).”