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8 Things to Do in Marrakech

Marrakech has been one of the most visited cities in North Africa for many years. Not surprising, because the beautiful historic core is on the UNESCO World Heritage List for a reason. Marrakech has beautiful sights, which you can admire in just over three hours of flying. We highlight eight of these sights.

1. Palais El Badi
Palais El Badi was once the largest palace in the Maghreb. Built at the end of the sixteenth century by the Saadian sultan Ahmed al-Mansur Dhahbi to celebrate the victory over the Portuguese army. Today only ruins remain, but these still give an impressive representation of its enormous size. A real must see.

2. Place Jeema El Fna
This square is also called 'the place to be' when it comes to visiting the city of Marrakech. It is Africa's most famous square and the hub of the medina in Marrakech. In the morning there is a market where all kinds of authentic Moroccan products are sold. And later in the day you will especially discover the magic of this square with theater, musicians, dancers and much more.

3. Jardin Majorelle
Jardin Majorelle is located just outside the real center of Marrakech. The most colorful place in this city. This place is seen as one of the better sights due to its enchanting garden and cornflower blue buildings. You imagine yourself in a true paradise because of the beautiful flowers, fountains, cacti and colorful plants. This special place should definitely be at the top of your to-do list.

4. The Mellah
What used to be a bustling Jewish quarter is now one of the poorest areas of Marrakech. Only 160 Jews still visit the synagogue. Nevertheless, this synagogue and the Jewish cemetery is one of the sights of this city. However, make sure you have a guide with you and stay away from it at night.

5. The Kasbah
The Kasbah is a closed neighborhood with its own city walls where the staff of the Royal Palace used to live. In this recently renovated district you will find pearls of sights such as the Saadian tombs and the Bab Agnaou. Looking for tasty patisserie? You can also find this here.

6. Souks in the Medina
The souks of the old town can be found from Jeema el Fna square. These souks cover an area of ​​200,000 square meters and are the largest in the country. It is a kind of labyrinth of narrow and sometimes covered alleys where you can find hundreds of stalls. Discover the most diverse products such as slippers, herbs, clothing, rugs, jewelry and much more. Of course it is possible to haggle here, you have to because otherwise you really pay too much. However, always remain respectful.

7. Palais de la Bahia
Palais de la Bahia regularly serves as a film setting. And that is not for nothing. This opulent palace was built at the end of the 19th century. The palace consists of several buildings, numerous corridors and gates and beautiful gardens and courtyards. The walls are decorated with carvings and mosaics. This palace is within walking distance of the Jeema El Fna square and is therefore well worth a visit.

8. Ville Nouvelle
If you are looking for a slightly quieter part of Marrakech, the new city is recommended. This Ville Nouvelle is characterized by the wide streets and stately buildings. Here you don't have to worry about getting lost, but you can still enjoy shady gardens, unique restaurants and large shopping centers.

Besides these eight sights, there is much more to see in Marrakech. A top destination for a city trip. Have you ever been to Marrakech?