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Things to remember when camping

Camping. For some, this word only evokes a film of the same name. For others, it brings back distant childhood memories. And for others still, it is THE word not to pronounce. And yet, camping is great, especially with friends! At least, if you take a few precautions. Because it only takes one oversight for this rural experience to become nothing more than a false good idea. Here is a list of essential items for the successful completion of your open-air pajama party.

1- The flashlight

Powerful, and with a good range! Because the flash of the phone is good, but when it comes to going to the little corner at two o'clock in the morning, we cannot guarantee that it will tell us where the obstacles are on the ground.

2- Feminine protections

It is not because we are in communion with nature that mother nature will spare us! So, even if it's not "the moment", we plan ahead and take a small supply, with plastic bags, so as not to pollute, just in case.

3- A Swiss army knife

Easier to use – and easier to find – than flint, it allows you to cut, shear, dig and scrape. Useful for cutting stubborn threads, picking flowers (be sure to research protected species), and doing other Indiana Jones-esque activities.

4- A portable speaker

Who has never dreamed of wiggling on the summer hits, feet treading the earth, against the backdrop of the sunset, not far from a small barbecue on which roasted marshmallows sit enthroned? Ideal for a girls' night out, provided you respect the human or animal neighborhood.

5- A gas lighter

Well yes, because wood is easy to find, but fire is something else! Otherwise, how do we light this little barbecue on which we rely so much for our hot dogs?

6- Sweets

And especially marshmallows! We love to prick them and roast them on a spit before we wedge them between two chocolate biscuits. An American classic, not very dietetic, but so much in the mood.

7- Cushions

Inflatable mattresses and down are not enough to ensure a minimum of comfort. If you can't find logs or tree trunks to make you a bench worthy of the name, the cushions won't be too much. To sleep at night, and especially for our booty around the fire!

8- A stove

Unless you want to drink cold tea, cold coffee, and eat raw like the cavemen... Which can be nice too (or not).

9- Games

Camping is also an opportunity to introspect and make a break with technology. We're not even talking about leaving your phone at home, but we have to admit that it's more fun to play a dodge ball or a Frisbee with friends than hanging on to civilization via our Facebook news feed. In addition, it allows you to rediscover the simple pleasures of life!

10- A portable phone battery

So yes, the telephone, we do not forget it. For safety, it must always be with us. On condition of being charged! As we know, electrical outlets are rather rare in a tent (!). So we thought that a small portable battery with USB plug, recharged beforehand, would allow us to have peace of mind and in addition, to run our “weekend camping between girls” playlist without any problems. NB:the autonomy of a backup battery is limited, so we think of recharging it during the day.

So where's your backpack? We are waiting for you!