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10 tips for traveling with children with peace of mind

10 tips for traveling with children with peace of mind

Our first roadtrip just for 2 goes back a few years already. We were in our twenties and it was in a van that we went to Ibiza to party! There were then many trips:India, New York, Spain, Berlin, London, Venice...
And then in 2010 the great trip, that of a lifetime, that of life since we became parents for the first time. Did this mean the end of travel for us? We never thought that having a child would put a brake on our desire to discover the world, so it was only natural that R. flew for the first time at the age of 5 months. Here are our 10 tips and tricks for stress-free traveling with a child.

Costa Rica, suspension bridges, February 2017
10 tips for traveling with children with peace of mind

Why go on a trip with a child? He is too young to remember those vacations on the other side of the world!

There are supporters of freekids/adults only, moreover some hotels clearly display it. The little ones at grandpa's / grandma's while the parents bask in the pill in the shade of the coconut trees. AND they are right these parents to take advantage of it and rest without being interrupted by an "I want to pee". I have wonderful memories of my holidays with my grandparents, in the countryside or at the sea, and my daughters love their holidays with us on a road trip in Norway as much as those spent with their grandparents.
Yes BUT the holidays with children, young or old, it's great too! We break the usual metro/work/sleep rhythm and we adopt the cool attitude. The toes fanned out or almost, we take the time to SHARE moments with the family and that is worth all the memories in the world! Well yes, if the trip was only used to create memories, what's the point of going out to the park or going to the beach when you are less than 3 years old, the age of the first memories? Rightly my eldest daughter pointed out to me that on school days she only saw me in the evening (I had already left for work when she got up). So when I travel, I forget my job, the cleaning (but not the hand, please!), the schedules and the appointments. When traveling, I slow down the pace to adapt to that of the children and ENJOY the present weather!

India, Rajasthan, February 2016, cooking chapatis
10 tips for traveling with children with peace of mind

Dare to cross the security gate!

Are you afraid of long flights? Do you think that a child does not belong on an airplane? You stress about your cherub screaming on the plane, rolling in the aisle to get a lollipop, or stomping his feet in the neighbor's seat. And at the same time, you're dying to spend a family vacation on the other side of the world under the sun, sipping a Mojito?
Don't worry... That's EXACTLY what will happen. YES your child will stir a little more than your neighbor on the left who quietly reads the latest Goncourt prize, casting a disapproving eye on you from time to time. YES your child will loudly claim that he "wants to do CACAAAA" just when the instruction to put on his seatbelt for landing comes on. YES your child will spill part of his meal tray on the only clothes you have provided for him (you haven't read my advice n°7 yet!)
So indeed, plane flights with children do not are not a piece of cake but reduced to the time you spend on vacation, they represent nothing, barely 10 hours, sometimes 15 with stopovers. Hang in there during those hours and the rest will be fun and family vacations. Have I already told you about this Miami-London flight where my 7 year old had gastro?

Hveragerdi, fumaroles, Iceland, May 2012
10 tips for traveling with children with peace of mind

Family travel, choose your destination and accommodation wisely

If it's a first time for you and despite our advice n°2 you are not yet reassured by the idea of ​​going far with your offspring, start with short flights. Europe is full of fabulous places to visit with the family. Less than 3 hours from Paris you have the sun of Portugal or that of Italy. Less than 4 hours from Paris, you can discover the fabulous Icelandic landscapes or the souk of Marrakech. During these short flights you can occupy your children with books or games that you will have taken care to take with you. Find out about the presence or not of a tablet on board, there are not always any depending on the companies (especially the low-cost ones) and depending on the duration of the flight time.
In addition to the destination, think at your accommodation. Hotel or campsite? Converted van or Airbnb? Here, we do not hesitate to mix accommodation solutions, but above all it is direct access to the outside that we are looking for so that early in the morning or late in the evening the children can go out to play. We therefore forget the apartments on the 10th floor even if they have a nice view and we prefer accommodation with a garden or playground nearby.

Bangkok, February 2015, feeding the fish at the edge of the klongs under the watchful eye of our Airbnb host
10 tips for traveling with children with peace of mind

Flying with children:organize your flight!

You have successfully completed the first 3 steps, congratulations! You are finally ready to book your plane tickets and earn Miles! Depending on the chosen destination, try to simplify your trip! Choose a low-cost airline to save a little (sometimes a lot) of money? Knowing that the airports of low-cost companies are sometimes located far from city centers, it will therefore be necessary to add additional travel time and an additional cost that should not be overlooked. It's a calculation to be made.
On distant destinations, favor night flights but also remember to watch your arrival times, to be sure not to make your Airbnb host wait until midnight!
With or without stopover? We tested both. Which seemed longer to us, between an 11-hour London-Los Angeles or a 10+3-hour London-Miami-San José with a 5-hour stopover? Hard to say. The direct flight simplifies transfers, limits fatigue but can seem long at the end if the minus sleep badly (and you with it). The flight with stopover, often cheaper, allows you to take a break, to REALLY relax your legs, to refresh yourself, but make sure you have enough time during the stopover so as not to run through the airport with children , comforters and diaper bag to catch the next flight. I will therefore not tell you about this delayed flight with a stopover in the USA of only 1 hour where we had to run to catch our flight in extremis for France (the door of the plane was closing just behind us). The luggage obviously did not follow, the Post office dropped it off for us 3 days later at our home, we have never traveled so light!

Narlai, Rajasthan India, sunset walk, February 2016
10 tips for traveling with children with peace of mind

"Mom, I missed the plane!" » or how to take the plane zen and relaxed with your children

Remember to find out about the formalities before the flight:online baggage check-in or queues reserved for families to save time at security checks. Sometimes having children is an advantage that you have to take advantage of!
Don't leave at the last minute either, the children ALWAYS have to pee when they have their coat on and the bag on their back. It is better to arrive a little early at the airport rather than running in the corridors of the RER. And then there is often a playground in airports, ideal for exhausting your children before a long flight! On the other hand, I never board planes first, I prefer to wait a few minutes with the children in the terminals, even if it means getting on the plane last, we will spend enough hours there afterwards! The journey begins as soon as you set foot outside your home so take your time, you're on vacation!

Monument Valley, USA, blood ties, July 2016
10 tips for traveling with children with peace of mind

Not even scared!

This is your/his/her first plane trip. You feel a little apprehensive in your child.
Talking to your child about the trip, the prospect of discovering a new country, animals, unknown landscapes will allow him to approach this new adventure with more serenity. Tell him the stages of the trip, draw him the airport and the planes in the sky, take him to the local airfield. The planes will no longer have any secrets for him and he will board the plane with complete peace of mind!

Rajasthan, India, making dhurries, February 2016
10 tips for traveling with children with peace of mind

"Flight over a cuckoo's nest" or how not to go mad during 10 hours of flight?

That's it, you can't go back, you're on the plane! Remember when booking your ticket to choose your seat according to the age of your child. With a baby, I advise you to inquire about the possibility of having a crib. Hung on the wall of the forward cabins, it is recommended for children weighing less than 10 kg and measuring less than 70cm. Baby will sleep like a bliss and you'll even have room to stretch their legs. If your child is less than 2 years old but is too big for the cradle, he can travel on your lap, not very comfortable but you benefit from a significant reduction on the price of the flight. Beyond 2 years, the child pays his place at the full price or almost. I therefore advise you to choose a seat on the aisle side on long-haul flights, this will save you from disturbing everyone for pee breaks. children to prevent them from feeling discomfort in their eardrums. For older children, a lollipop will do the trick! Prefer comfortable clothes and a change of clothes "just in case".
To occupy the children there is obviously the tablet on board, plan all the same a suitable helmet rather than the headphones offered by the companies. Also remember to take a few activity books, erasers, markers and small family card games to pass the time. Invite the older ones (from 5-6 years old) to start a travel diary:drawing, stickers and souvenirs brought back from travel will adorn the pages of their precious notebook.

Bardenas Desert, Spain, October 2017
10 tips for traveling with children with peace of mind

Stroller or baby carrier when traveling? How many nappies and potties for 15 days?

Obviously traveling with children involves some sometimes cumbersome extras. These extras that seem essential to us in our everyday life:stroller, car seat, travel cot, nappies, pharmacy. Do I REALLY have to take all this? In fact, it all depends on your destination (paved roads, sand, tracks, etc.), your way of traveling and your needs. If you are going to a club and only plan to laze by the pool during your stay, I am not sure that the stroller is necessary. Similarly, if you rent an Airbnb, find out about the possible amenities on site:loan of stroller or car seat, rental between individuals. If the stroller is essential for you, there are now very light ones that fit in carry-on luggage such as the Babyzen Yoyo or the Quinny Yezz. If you are going on a road trip, plan the minimum:a baby carrier, a few layers for the first few days, a few pots, you will find the rest on site. Adapt! What are the locals doing there? In Thailand, for example, there are 7 Eleven stores on every street corner. open day and night in which you will find international brand diapers, small baby jars or even small UHT milk cartons that you can buy day by day and thus not overload your luggage. Regarding the pharmacy, I recommend a basic pharmacy:Paracetamol, insect repellent, Spasfon, ultralevure, sunscreen, antiseptic and dressings. For the rest, unless you go to the Moon, you will ALWAYS find a doctor.

Bangkok, Wat Arun, February 2015
10 tips for traveling with children with peace of mind

My child is difficult, he only likes rice and pasta

Traveling also means discovering a different culture, faces, language, religion or food. Sometimes it is enough just to cross the Channel to realize that the tastes of some are not those of others. If he only likes rice and noodles, he will love Pad Thai served by street vendors in Bangkok even more or Gallo Pinto, a traditional Costa Rican dish served with black beans, plantain and coriander. . And if he really grimaces in front of his plate, rest assured he will never let himself starve, he will simply have to adapt and that is the strength of family travel:discover, learn and grow! Regarding drinks, I advise you to find out about the sanitary conditions on site. In Iceland, if the tap water stinks of rotten eggs (full of sulphur) it is perfectly drinkable and buying bottled water is heresy (and very expensive). Outside the EU, I recommend drinking only water and bottled drinks and avoiding ice cubes unless you are sure that they have been prepared with mineral water, this will save you the inconvenience of the famous tourista .

Elmley Nature Reserve, Kent, UK, October 2017
10 tips for traveling with children with peace of mind

Holidays for everyone

Whether you are city rats or country rats, remember that you are not traveling alone. Try to adapt your destination for a family vacation. If you absolutely insist on visiting the museum of French castles in matchsticks (yes, yes it does exist!), your cherub may not fully appreciate the works of this fabulous museum (in Brittany for the curious !). So after a day spent shopping in New York or walking in the primary forests of Costa Rica, plan a dip in the hotel pool! Pool or beach, we always try to end the day with a good swim, the girls love it! A little tip, if your hotel does not have a swimming pool but you have spotted one in a neighboring establishment, it is sometimes enough to have lunch there to have access to the swimming pool!

Corsica, Arone beach, June 2014
10 tips for traveling with children with peace of mind

Bon voyage!