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10 tips for camping with children for the first time

Camping with the whole family this summer? To make sure everything runs smoothly, here are 10 top tips for first-time camping with kids.

Test run at home For your camping holiday, simply sleep outside with the kids with a tent and sleeping bag in the garden or on the balcony. This way you can calmly explain the most important things and practice processes. It also quickly becomes clear what the children are afraid of and what they have not even thought of before the trip.

Pay attention to suitable clothing
When camping you never know what can happen – it's better to pack too much than too little. Whatever the weather report says; Rainproof clothing, rubber boots and a jacket can never hurt. Outside in nature it often gets a bit cooler in the evening, even in summer.

Bring a jar with you Camping toilets are usually not suitable for small children – not only do they look a bit strange on the inside, the seat is also too high and above all too big. To prevent accidents, it is best to take a travel potty with you – even if they go to the toilet alone at home.

Make sure there is enough playing space
The classic:a few toys, coloring books and their favorite book keep the kids entertained while driving. Once at the campsite, dice and card games are a good idea to get the kids off their cell phones and go do something together. And how about a song book? Add a few marshmallows around the campfire and the kids will get into the camping mood.

Light for the little ones
Not every campsite is well lit at night – bring flashlights! Headlights can also be converted to night lights. Simply fill a bottle with water, attach the lamp tape and place on the table or floor – done.

Drinking water and hygiene
Very important:Always take enough drinking water with you, because the water in motorhomes is not drinking water. If there are children, it is also wise to set up some kind of small washing station outside for their hands. A little tap water in a bowl is enough here – this will keep the camper (or tent) clean and the kids won't even think about drinking the water.

Food and provisions
When camping, sometimes there is no supermarket nearby – it is advisable to plan in advance what, how and where to eat during the camping holiday and also how best to prepare it on site. Sufficient facilities should also always be available on the outward and return journey and on day trips. Also very important:bring your own cool box.

Set clear rules
Once you arrive at the campsite, it is advisable to set clear rules:How do I deal with fire? Why am I not allowed to pee in the bushes at the campsite? Can I pet wild animals? How far can I get away from the tent or caravan? Once these questions have been clarified, the parents can also relax a bit. By the way, walkie-talkies are a good idea, so that the children can explore on their own.

Explanation camping etiquette
Children are welcome guests at campsites. Nevertheless, some basic rules should be observed to avoid disputes with the neighbors:Do not run over other people's belongings, do not roar or romp (this also applies to the adults) and leave everything as you found it. It can also be useful to read the rules of the relevant campsite together with the children.

For the little ones:special strollers
Keep an eye out for baby on board – even the littlest ones love the fresh air and nature. Parents should consider buying an outdoor stroller. They have extra suspension and can be pushed easily on any terrain thanks to special wheels. So nothing stands in the way of a relaxing hike.