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Jetlag or jet lag:how not to suffer from it?

Jetlag, i.e. jet lag, affects most travelers who leave for air journeys of more than three hours. As our body is programmed on a 24-hour cycle, jet lag disrupts this rhythm and has consequences on sleep phases, meal times, activity in general, but also on the body's management of stress, which must get used to a new schedule. A few tips to avoid too much jet lag.

Jetlag or jet lag:how not to suffer from it?

The effects of jet lag

Jetlag causes a set of disorders related to the desynchronization of the biological clocks of the human body following an airplane trip through at least three time zones. Since this is a sudden shift, the body reacts accordingly. An imbalance between periods of wakefulness and sleep is felt and for some it can cause a lot of fatigue, irritability, insomnia, problems falling asleep and even functional pain.

People with rigid usual rhythms suffer the most from jet lag, as well as those over 50. The effects of jet lag can be immediate or long term. For flights longer than 5 hours, it takes at least 2 days to regain a normal rhythm between wakefulness and sleep, between 15 and 20 days for the body to regulate its physiological balance.

In addition to the duration, trips to the West, which generate a longer day, are better supported:it takes on average one day per hour of jet lag to return to a normal rhythm. On the other hand, trips to the East are more difficult in terms of jet lag and can cause inconvenience for several months.

How to fix jetlag / jet lag?

Before flying on a long trip that causes significant jet lag, a few hygiene rules can help limit the effects of jet lag. First, it is important to sleep well before departure. A siesta the afternoon before departure will have a preparatory effect to better adapt to the new schedules.

Then, avoid drinking alcohol before departure and during the trip. This has a negative impact on sleep patterns. On the other hand, it is advisable to drink more water than usual to avoid dehydration that sleep deprivation promotes. During air travel, it is best not to take heavy meals, complete fasting is even recommended. To stay awake after a significant jet lag, coffee can help, but temporarily.

Light therapy can also be a good way to limit jet lag. Practicing a sports activity, even moderate, before the trip also helps to improve the quality of sleep and therefore the adaptation to a new time zone. Sleeping pills taken before or after the trip should be used in moderation, very occasionally. Relaxation can be a good technique to adopt to prevent and recover from fatigue due to jet lag.

Once at destination, several postures are to be considered depending on the period spent on site. If the stay exceeds a few days, you have to force your body to stay awake when it is daytime to make the most of natural light and adapt your meals to the local rhythm. On the contrary, if your stay on site is short, it is rather advisable to keep the pace you had at home. In general, arriving at your destination in the evening allows you, after a good meal, to go to bed for the night and thus limit excessive sleep imbalances.