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Low Budget Holidays by Calculating your Budget in Advance.

Low Budget Holidays by Calculating your Budget in Advance.

Here are our various tips and advice to help you calculate your holiday budget in advance.

You will thus be able to afford a vacation even with a small budget, and all this without blowing up the bank account.

In order not to exceed your vacation budget, there is no need to deprive yourself, it's all about organization .

For that you need a notebook and a pen, or Excel which is available on Google Docs, for organization freaks or lazy people!

And there in your table , no quarter, you note all you will do and all you need :

1. The amount of train or plane tickets, or the round-trip fuel budget if you take the car.

2. The budget to be set aside for the shopping to be done on site. To make sure you don't forget anything and don't take anything in duplicate, remember to make a little shopping list.

3. Sightseeing and other distractions. To put an exact amount on these expenses, do not hesitate to call the structures concerned to find out about the prices of the activities.

4. The restaurant budget that you absolutely have to master.

5. The purchase of postcards and stamps for the obligatory little thought to send to loved ones.

6. The budget for souvenirs and gifts for friends.

You add up all the amounts and you have your overall budget.

The rest is courage and nerves of steel! Of course, on vacation, you have the right to please and to have fun, but that's no reason to blow your budget.

I even have fun while limiting my budget a little. And I feel less guilty than those who set themselves no limits to enjoy to the fullest!

With these few smart tips, you will easily avoid blowing up your bank account during your next short vacation.


Holidays are already a big investment, especially when you go with your family.

Going on vacation without planning is sure to risk exceeding your budget , since we don't know exactly what we're going to spend and what we're going to spend it on.

Besides, with all the temptations around us, we can very quickly have a deficit of 200 or 300€ on his account.

It is sure that organizing your stay requires a few hours of work, but when you want to have fun with your budget, however small it may be, I assure you that this is THE good plan to leave winning your holidays.

I have become an expert in the matter:every time I go on vacation, I never exceed my budget. It even happened to me to spend less than the budget that was planned.

And you, are you making a budget for going on vacation? Does it work for you?