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Australia's Oldest Man Knits Sweaters For Injured Penguins.

Australia s Oldest Man Knits Sweaters For Injured Penguins.

Alfred is Australia's oldest man.

He spends most of his days knitting mini sweaters for the little penguins.

Alfred Date, aka "Alfie" explained that he had been unable to say "no" all his life.

So when we offered him this project, he immediately accepted!

These sweaters were made at the request of the Phillip Island Penguin Foundation in Australia. Watch:

Australia s Oldest Man Knits Sweaters For Injured Penguins.

Indeed, after an oil spill that took place in 2013, it was necessary to help the little penguins to survive by staying warm.

It is a species that is only found in southern Australia and New Zealand.

There are only 32,000 left on Phillip Island.

The 109-year-old lives in a nursing home on the south coast.

The nursing home nurses knew of his knitters.

So they asked her to knit sweaters for the penguins.

It was a request he couldn't refuse.

Using the thick wool provided by the nurses, Alfie put his 80 years of knitting experience to good use and got to work straight away.

Australia s Oldest Man Knits Sweaters For Injured Penguins.

Alfie learned to knit after making a baby jacket for his nephew in the 1930s.

Then, he honed his skills with his seven children and 20 grandchildren, and about as many great-grandchildren.

According to an article in The Daily Telegraph in 2014, Alfie remembers the sinking of the Titanic in 1912 and the outbreak of world wars.

He also told the newspaper his secret to longevity:It's simply "waking up every morning."

Donations of little penguin sweaters have been received from all over the world.

The foundation says it's "not very fashionable" but it helps the little penguins who were affected by the oil spill.

The oil sticks their feathers together, allowing water to penetrate to the epidermis. The cold then seizes them.

Moreover, they are no longer able to hunt. They are therefore doomed.

Australia s Oldest Man Knits Sweaters For Injured Penguins.

When the oiled penguins arrive at the foundation, they are given a small jacket to wear.

Thus, they do not swallow the toxins that are on their feathers.

In 2001, 438 penguins were affected by an oil spill on Phillip Island.

Thanks to their sweaters, 96% of the penguins were saved, according to the foundation's website.

The center now has "enough penguin sweaters knitted by generous donors around the world". So no need to send again!

Today, Alfie saves his hands from aging by knitting scarves for his friends and hats for premature babies.

Finally, it's rather a good thing that Alfie never knew how to say "no", don't you think?

Today, alas, Alfie passed away.