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Hiking holiday or staying home during your holiday:what attracts you most?

On a hiking holiday:in my twenties I couldn't get enough of it. Have as much fun as possible with as little luxury as possible. Egg. Baked over a campfire, that is. But the bigger you and your budget become, the more tempting it becomes to go for a little more comfort. During my first camping holiday, I was in a single tent with my boyfriend. Which his mother had bought at the thrift store. I only heard that after a week, when we got the first shower on our roof – although the word roof is not really appropriate here 😉 . You can no longer have that when traveling with children. If we are going to travel on holiday, we must be well rested. Or should we just go for a holiday in one place?

Table of contents

Traveling on holiday or staying home?

When you go camping, you always have your house with you. And you also have the 'luxury' of being able to move it whenever you want. Is the campsite a bit disappointing? Pack and go. Is the pool that looked so big in the pictures more like a paddling pool? Toedeloe, you'll be gone in no time. And even if you're on a nice campsite, it's still nice to be able to explore a different area after a week. Who goes on a hiking holiday, sees more! And makes more friends. But there is also a bit more red tape.

Traveling on holiday simply means extra packing and unpacking work. You now have to go through the least fun part of vacation several times. Pack and go sound very simple. But the campers among us know that this is easier said than done. Especially if you not only need to complete your own suitcase, but also that of your fellows. Whoever carries all his possessions with him also has a lot to pack. And unpacking again!

Tip:Pack smart. Airy shirts and pants that you can also freshen up by hand in between. A small wash is done in no time and ensures that you have much less to pack!

Going around with children:be prepared

A broken tent, a campsite with only people over 65 or a lack of toilets. That's not what you want when you go on holiday with children. Because you already have your hands full with your kids. Find some child-friendly family campsites in advance and reserve a nice spot. Not as adventurous as before, but less stressful. And make sure that your camping equipment is in tip-top shape, so that you don't have to look for an air mattress abroad. The most important part of your equipment? Surely that will remain your home away from home :the tent.

Read also: are you not going on holiday? 7 tips for a great summer!

On a hiking holiday? Go for a top tent

As a parent you should always ensure that your offspring are in a good nest. Immediately a challenge when you go on holiday with your family. Because a tent that is a bit sturdy is often a drama  to set up. Ever got into an argument with your partner while setting up the tent? Join the club… prevent you from crying about herring during couples therapy 😉 .

From now on you only have to discuss the route, as long as you make sure you have the right tent at home. And now let's find a very nice family proof tent! Which is also ideal for a hiking holiday, because it is very easy to set up and take down.

If only Joyce had them when she was heavily pregnant with the oldest. At the time, De Man had thought that they could go on a nice hiking holiday, precisely because there were no children yet. Except that Joyce as a ten-tonner (her own words 😉 ) already had an almost full-term baby in her belly, there was indeed nothing wrong. Until she had to set up the tent for the 4th time and just couldn't anymore. All that bending over, bending and struggling with that big belly turned out to be not so good for the relationship...

A home away from home

If you are going to score a tent to go hiking with children, we have two golden tips. The first:go for a tent that is easy to set up † Your kids can probably help with breaking down 😉 . And the second tip:make sure you have a spacious tent † Camping is cozy anyway, some dry seats during an unexpected rainy day are not an unnecessary luxury. For example, go for a tent with an awning under which you can also sit dry. This way the kids can cool down a bit every now and then – and so can you.

This tunnel tent, for example, comes in two sizes:the smaller version for 2 to 4 people, and the larger tunnel tent for 4 people. You can set it up in a jiffy, and yet it is just as sturdy as the average festival tent. He is solid. At least, that's what the ANWB says, which has rated the tent as most storm-resistant tent † Then he can probably have your stormy family too!

A bonus:the tent is well ventilated, has sufficient storage compartments (also useful when traveling around) and keeps itchy critters out. Because they remain a recurring challenge at every campsite, but from now on no longer in your tent. At least if your own kids keep the door closed. Anyway, if that's the last thing you have to worry about during your trekking holiday, it's not that bad, isn't it? Have a nice holiday!

Image used via Shutterstock

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