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Weekend away without children:from hectic to romance

There are people who get a dog to save their relationship. Or a new house. Or, nice and extreme:a child. I'm no Doctor Phil, but I think only one thing works in a relationship crisis. Take some time for each other. quality time. So no we-sit-together-at-the-table-but-I-just-look-at-my-smartphone-time † Let's be honest:with a busy family life, that quality time sometimes gets lost. The solution? Take a break together. A weekend away without children. And leave those guilt feelings at home. Happy parents also mean happy children. So this time no Safari Resort with kids, but a nice weekend away without children!

Table of Contents

A weekend away without children, take that crisis by the nose

There are those days when you cook a pot for your sweetheart with love. But there are also days when… Well, how do I say this properly? You prefer to push your partner's head into the stew. So that. Those days when you start walking around irritating you. From swinging underpants to a discussion about who would unload the dishwasher. No shame:in every house the rut sometimes strikes. The fact that the children are whining on those days doesn't really help either. In short:it is a crisis. With a weekend away without children you bring that romance back into your relationship.

Everyone is entitled to a break. A break from your family life? Well, a proverbial one then. So call grandma and grandpa (if that's possible) and plan a babysitting weekend. Or ask good friends if they can babysit for a weekend (or night). Finally go away that weekend without children. Do you have a break, and the kids too!

A weekend away without children:what would you do?

Be honest:how often do you go away for a weekend without children? And another question of conscience:how often do you still feel a little guilty? Parents (read:mothers) all too often have the feeling that they always have to be there for their kids. A great feature, but even mothers need to recharge every now and then. And fathers too, for that matter. Grandpa and grandma don't think such a weekend with the grandchildren is a punishment. So let's have some quality time start planning!

The only question is:where do you actually want to spend that quality time if you go away for a weekend without children? Can you completely relax in nature? Or do you prefer entertainment, a city trip or a wellness weekend like the Fontana Resort? For example, Joyce received a weekend of Love Bubbles together with Frank for my birthday last year. Super romantic!

Into nature:free couples therapy

Every couple sometimes comes to a point where you feel the need to get back together. We say:give in! If you go away for a weekend without children, you don't have to go to a play forest. Or the zoo. You can lie on the heath or in the dunes for as long as you want. Add a glass of wine, and who does what?

How about a hotel by the sea? Riding on the beach, enjoying the setting sun… It spontaneously starts to itch for me. Actually, my relationship is also ready for a weekend in the dunes… Anyway, back on topic .

Sex and the city during a weekend away without children

Nature isn't everyone's cup of tea … But don't let that get in the way of romance. In fact, a city trip is also ideal if you want to book a weekend away without children. Check Rosa's blog when she went to visit Paris. You finally only have to hold one hand while crossing the road. And that's your love. No counting heads in a busy shopping street, but enjoy the city together. That's how it can be.

And be honest:you don't often go away for a weekend without children, do you? With two. So if you're going for that city trip, wouldn't you immediately go for a little luxury? This time you don't have to worry about cots in the room. Or a high chair. Focus especially on the points 'romantic setting', 'swimming pool' and 'good food'. It's just a tip! And then nothing stands in the way of your romantic city trip with a hotel stay. And, nowadays you can just make video calls with grandpa and grandma. Enjoy it together!

Stock photo of woman in hotel by Soloviova Liudmyla