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Cheetahs Beekse Bergen; these people are absolutely crazy!

I don't know if you've already seen the video of the cheetahs in the Beekse Bergen, but I can't get it off my retina. How irresponsible can you be as a parent? These people have not understood the concept of the Beekse Bergen at all and can be glad that they made it out alive with those cheetahs.

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Cheetahs Beekse Bergen in the Safari Park

It has only been a few weeks since we were at the Safari Park in the Beekse Bergen. I am an incredible fan of this park and we then stayed at the Safari Resort Beekse Bergen where we spent a weekend among the wild animals. Of course we also made a safari ride where we saw, among other things, the cheetahs. It was fantastic to do this stay, by the way, so I wrote an extensive review about it that you can read via the link above.

But I have never been as close as this family to the cheetahs in the Beekse Bergen. I was shocked when I saw the video on the internet!

Family gets out of the car with cheetahs Beekse Bergen

Fortunately, it ends well with this family, but this could have been completely different. I can't believe there are people who do this. When we were here a few weeks ago, a car drove in front of us and opened the window at the giraffes. A lot less exciting of course, but even that was said when the safari bus came by. The driver made sure that the window was properly closed again.

Would this family with the cheetahs in the Beekse Bergen have had no idea of ​​the dangers? Or have they misunderstood the concept?

Cheetah video

In the beginning they are just outside the car filming. In that part of the video it seems that the cheetahs are not so concerned, but when the family (with small child) gets out at a later moment at the cheetahs Beekse Bergen you suddenly see that two cheetahs are sneaking towards them. They get back in the car just in time!

Film giraffes

Less spectacular, but also very nice is the video that we made ourselves during our safari ride with the giraffes. With a glass roof it is really fantastic to drive there. Lotte couldn't get to 😉 .

Would you like to visit the Beekse Bergen yourself? Order your tickets here at a discount for the Safari park or check here how you can book at the Safari Resort, it is really worth it!

But promise me one thing… just stay in your car with the windows closed!