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Generation Discover festival 2019; to introduce children to science and technology

Science and technology, I love it! That is why I have been drawing attention to the Generation Discover festival for years. The Generation Discover festival will also be a fact in 2019 and Lotte and I were there to look at this year's setup.

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Generation Discover festival 2019

Besides the fact that I find science and technology interesting, I think it is especially important to let children come into contact with them. In 2019, children are so used to the fact that everything is possible and exists, that they hardly realize how it all comes about. In addition, we will need a lot of bright minds in the future to make the world a bit better in the field of sustainability. The festival therefore focuses mainly on children aged 8-14, but younger children can also participate in various activities.

This year the FREE Generation Discover festival will be held from 2 to 6 October in the Rotterdam Ahoy and given the weather conditions, this is an excellent choice! There is enough space inside to do all kinds of scientific experiments and to get acquainted with technology in many areas.

Getting to know sustainability, the environment and technology

Making my children enthusiastic about everything that has to do with technology is (almost) at the top of my list for me. With respect for everything that lives after 😉 . In that respect, the bright ideas challenge is always fun, it is closely related to this festival.

Lotte and I did and saw a number of things at the Generation Discover festival that are super educational. And besides being educational, it is especially fun for children to discover all kinds of things. Lotte, for example, let her imagination run wild when creating a super environmentally friendly boat for the city of the future. With solar panels and windmills!

Furthermore, we have also separated plastic together, beautiful in the context of sustainable education 😉 . A very simple way to show children what actually happens with plastic in the water and that there are different types of plastic that need to be recycled separately from each other. The boy who informed us about this knew all about those differences.

She has also learned how to ensure that a light is lit by means of a dynamo, solar panels and a battery. What do you have to do to complete the 'circle' and how do you put a switch in between to break the current? It's fantastic to see how a 10-year-old girl can experience in this way and learn how it actually works with electricity!

Of course, the dino farm is also great fun to take a look at, the soap bubbles are fantastic and making and coloring a birdhouse should not be missed between the activities!

But that's not quite the same as firing your own rocket or building that saltwater car, is it?

What is there to do at the Generation Discover festival 2019?

That's almost too much to mention. In fact… we were at the festival at 2 pm and had to go home at 5 pm (then it closes), but we really didn't see and do everything by far.

  1. The city of the future; how do we live in the future? Children can design their own house or boat of the future
  2. Create a car that runs on salt water and then race it
  3. A mini-lab with all kinds of fun experiments to do
  4. Flying with drones
  5. Playing robot soccer
  6. Magnet fishing
  7. Generate energy in the silent disco
  8. Operation Maasstad; find your way through the laser maze with night vision glasses
  9. Learn more about the car of the future
  10. Various science shows that you can follow
  11. Tracking and 'stopping' a cybercriminal
  12. Much more….

As I mentioned above, there is a lot to do. If you want to go to the free Generation Discover festival 2019 with your family, make sure you arrive on time so that you can take the time for everything. Actually, we should go back again, we haven't been able to do too much!

Who organizes the Generation Discover festival 2019 and why?

The festival is being organized for the fourth year by various parties, including Shell, Staatsbosbeheer, NEMO, Police and Jet-Net &Technet, with the aim of involving children in the world in science and technology and stimulating creative and innovative ideas.

The world of technology does not stand still and it is the children who will have to use it in the future to make our world a little more beautiful and sustainable. What could be more convenient than to let them come into contact early and playfully with everything related to the topics that are important for this. The Generation Discover festival 2019 again contributes to this in a beautiful and educational way.

More information about this free festival can be found here