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TripAdvisor stops selling tickets to attractions that abuse animals

In the absence of a law prohibiting the sale of tickets for activities that do not respect the well-being and health of animals, the management of TripAdvisor has decided on its own to put an end to this trade. From now on, activities offering to stroke tigers, ride an elephant or even swim with dolphins can no longer be booked on the famous platform.

Animal rights associations support the initiative

It was in concert with its online booking service Viator that the travel leader announced its decision (which is still a small revolution) on October 11. In this process, the site has been supported by associations fighting for the defense of animals, including the American Association of Zoos and Aquariums and PETA. The latter has also congratulated TripAdvisor via its Twitter account. To complete this initiative, the information and booking platform has announced its desire to create an educational portal on animal welfare in tourist destinations.

We applaud this initiative!