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The largest indoor amusement park has opened in Dubai

When we talk about Dubai, we think of “hot sand”, “luxury”, “delusions of grandeur”, but not necessarily “amusement park”. But that should change! Indeed, the city that allows you to ski in a shopping center opened on August 31, 2016 a huge amusement park, whose particularity is to be completely indoors! Covering an area of ​​140,000 square meters (the size of 28 football fields!), this space called "IMG Worlds of Adventure" is dedicated to characters from Disney, Marvel and Cartoon Network productions (and cost the modest sum of almost of a billion dollars…).

Attractions, shops and restaurants

By having invested such an amount in the construction of this park, Dubai wants to attract and satisfy thousands of visitors from all over the world. It represents an important challenge for the city, which, by 2020, plans to welcome more than 20 million tourists per year. There is no doubt that this goal will be achieved, this immense space with twenty-two attractions, each more spectacular than the next! For example, it is possible to experience a mythical battle of the Hulk in 3D and 360°, to join forces with the Supernanas to save the city from the robot created by the evil Mojo Jojo or even to visit a haunted hotel! There are also of course roller coasters, in which visitors exit through the roof of the building! But that's not all, because in addition to its attractions, IMG Worlds of Adventure also has twenty-five department stores (including luxury boutiques) and twenty-eight restaurants, with Asian and American specialties.

In any case, with this new construction, Dubai proves to us once again that it is the city of all madness!