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Porto named city of the year 2017

Definitely Portugal has been on the rise for a year! In 2016, the country broke its tourist attendance record to reach 11.4 million visitors in one year. This year, it is the turn of the beautiful city of Porto to be talked about, since according to a survey of 400,000 travellers, the city has just been voted best destination of the year 2017. On the podium of the survey conducted by the tourist promotion organization European Best destinations, we find Milan in second place and Gdansk (Poland) in third. As far as French cities are concerned, the first is in 13th place and it is obviously our beautiful city of light, Paris!

Porto, a charming city!

Nicknamed the Pearl of the North, the city of Porto is the ideal destination for an exotic stay. First of all, it is a city that is very well served from France. In addition, the pretty Douro River passing right next to the city, there are large bridges with beautiful architecture, green parks and you can even decide to take small boat cruises. The sea is also a stone's throw away for those who prefer a relaxing stay. In terms of gastronomy, you can't leave Porto without having tasted cod fritters, grilled sardines and Vinho Verde, an atypical drink! Finally, the city offers a multitude of urban treks in which you can discover the Palace of Architecture, the Casa da Musica or the inevitable Sao Francisco Church. A great idea for a trip that you won't regret!