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Big Bend, the crazy “U” tower project imagined for New York

New York is a city well known for its excess, and its many skyscrapers that make you dizzy have a lot to do with it. And it could be that another spectacular building will come to give even more cachet to Manhattan, and for good reason, it would be the tallest (and most original!) of the metropolis. Developed by the design company Oiio, the project is called the “Big Bend” – a pun that mixes London’s Big Ben and the verb “bend” which means “to bend” – because of its “U” shape, and it could revolutionize the notion of prestige in real estate. “The height of a building is the main criterion that justifies its high price. […] What if we thought in length rather than in height? What if buildings were long rather than tall? write the architects on the Oiio studio website.

Very specific elevators

The structure, made up of two buildings connected by an arch, would be 600 meters high, which is still much lower than the 830 meters of the Burj Khalifa in Dubai, but it would be the longest in the world at some 1,220 meters! With its rounded shape, the Big Bend should accommodate a particular elevator system, created to move horizontally and follow the loop. “We want our structures to have measurements that make them unique, without having to worry about the sky limit “, continue the professionals. The impressive building is currently only at the project stage, but perhaps it will succeed in convincing the American authorities sooner or later... In any case, we salute the ambition of the architects!