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CAP Mystère, the agency that concocts surprise trips

CAP Mystère is a travel agency created in 2013 by two travelers keen on adventure and experience, Nathalie Lafay and Arnaud Huillin. After having traveled around the world, they returned to France with a new and innovative concept:a travel agency where the destination of customers is only revealed at the last minute! On the
website, the two creators explain where this brilliant idea came from:they noticed, during their various escapades, "that wonder is only more beautiful when the surprise is there. -you ". According to them, the vision and the appreciation of the trip are not distorted by what one has read, seen or heard before departure.

A simple reservation

To book a trip with CAP Mystère, it's very simple! All you have to do is fill out a questionnaire, where the customer must fill in his budget, his habits, his availability, his favorite themes (winter sports, beach, party, relaxation, change of scenery), with whom he is traveling (as a family, as a couple, between friends), and the level of comfort they want. For the rest, the agency takes care of everything! A box still allows the future traveler to specify specific requirements, such as following a special diet, or if there are countries that do not interest him at all. The prices are of course varied, depending on the destination and the duration of the trip. The first price is €190 per person, for a weekend. A week, on the other hand, costs from €1489 per person.

Clues revealed bit by bit

If ever the customer is not so tempted to go blind, CAP Mystère reveals the trip to his relatives, who validate it for him! But how do you pack without knowing where you are going? Here again, the agency has planned everything:30 days before departure, the customer receives a first indication, containing the travel time, the reminder of the vaccines if necessary, and the meeting time for the airport. A second index is sent 15 days before departure, this time revealing the weather and the essentials to take in your suitcase. Finally, on the day of departure, the destination is revealed, either by post (with an envelope to be opened the same day), or by an application, which sends an alert at 00:01!

We love the concept!