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An Australian photographer immortalizes 3 celestial phenomena in one night

Nature offers beautiful shows, and few are the people present at the right time in the right place who are lucky enough to attend. Among them is David Finlay, an astrophotography enthusiast, can now claim to have a lucky star (pun intended!) since it is not one, nor two, but three celestial phenomena that have played out above his head in one night! It was in the small town of Kiama, located on the coast of New South Wales in Australia (about a hundred kilometers south of Sydney), that the man was able to see in turn polar auroras, also known as the aurora borealis, sprite lightnings and meteorites. The second phenomenon, less known than the other two, defines a light coming from space which can appear above a storm, and which manifests itself through sublime columns of red-orange light. And to top it off, the photographer had been dreaming of seeing one for more than 10 years, as reported by the site
ABC News . It is now done!

The surprise once back home

There are a variety of light columns created by violent lightning strikes, but I had no idea that these particular ones could be seen on the Australian mainland […] I have seen many photos of the phenomenon in the United States, Europe, but not in Australia “, explains David Finlay. According to his calculations, one of the “sprites” visible on the video is located at an altitude of 80 km and measures 17 km… Ah yes, anyway! The expert had gone out that evening to immortalize a shower of meteors called the Lyrids, supplemented by the appearance of the polar auroras. What makes the experience even more surprising is that he did not immediately realize that he had also captured the phenomenon he had been waiting to see for so many years. It was only when he got home and viewed the slow-motion footage that he spotted those large pink columns in the sky. Imagine the joy he must have felt!

We leave you with the hypnotic video of a night that the Australian is not about to forget, that's for sure!