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Paris/New York in less than 4 hours, is that coming soon?

The future may not be as far away as one might imagine. Boom Technology, an aeronautical construction company based in Denvers (United States), is currently developing an aircraft capable of flying from the French capital to New York in just 3h30 (instead of 8 hours currently)... i.e. a duration of trip halved! To make such a feat possible, Black Scholl, the CEO of Boom Technology, has surrounded himself with aeronautical experts. Considered the successor to the Concorde (the only supersonic passenger transport aircraft to have been put into service), the XB-1 aircraft will be able to reach twice the speed of sound, i.e. 1,224 km/h! This supersonic aircraft, with a capacity of 55 seats, could therefore revolutionize the way we travel.

76 copies already ordered

In addition to Paris/New York in 3h30, travelers from all over the world will also be able to reach San Francisco in Tokyo in barely 5 hours (compared to 11 hours today) or even the 7,500 km which separate Los Angeles from Sydney in less seven o'clock. Figures that make you dream, but such progress and such a beautiful piece of technology come at a price… It will take 4,300 euros for a London/New York for example, which is the current price for a seat in business class. But the company claims that after the introduction of these supersonic aircraft, prices will drop over time… Regardless, many airlines have expressed interest since 76 aircraft have already been purchased. The first test flight is expected for the end of 2017 but it will normally be possible to book a ticket in 2023. So, are you tempted?