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Travel:what are the tips to leave in the different countries?

Summer holidays are an opportunity for some to go for a long stay abroad. The time spent on site is of course conducive to discovering the culture of the country, and the culinary traditions are part of it. Except that after enjoying a good meal in a local restaurant, doubt sets in:how much should you tip the staff? And the taxi driver who took us to the hotel? Do not panic, Sara Benwell who works for Good Housekeeping Institute has the answer to everything. "In Japan, there is no tipping culture, and you may offend the waiter if you offer to give them money, whereas in the United States, tips are highly expected, and it's rude not to leave anything “, she explains. The United States is one of the few nations where it is correct to tip in a bar, up to a dollar per drink. The specialist then mentions the case of France:“ Service charges [at the restaurant] are in most cases included in the bill. However, many French people still leave a few coins as a sign of appreciation (about 10% of the total score) .

No tipping in Brazil, China or the Netherlands

Thanks to a very clear table taken by the Huffington Post UK , we learn that it is appropriate to give a tip which corresponds to 20% of the bill in Canada (oh yes, anyway!), 15 to 25% in the United States and approximately 10% in the majority of countries such as Germany, Greece, India, Italy, Mexico, Spain, Portugal and Turkey. On the other hand, it is not correct to tip in Brazil, China, Japan and the Netherlands. The very touristy countries of Southeast Asia represent a special case:tips are not common there, but a small gesture is still appreciated. Regarding the taxi, it seems polite to round (upwards, of course) the final price in Australia and New Zealand, Brazil, Germany, India, South Africa, Spain, Portugal, the Netherlands Low and Turkey. In France, 10% of the bill is donated, as in Canada and Egypt. On the other hand, it is a practice that is not done in China, Greece, Japan or Mexico. There you go, you know everything... We keep all this information in mind so as not to be seen as irreverent people abroad!