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6 Ways to Beat the Post-Holiday Blues

Vacation is meant to be relaxation, but when you've just returned it can be difficult to maintain that relaxed feeling. After all, you end up in the daily grind again, so that the stress increases again. Here are some ways to beat the blues after the holidays.

Realize you are not alone
Feeling a little drained after your trip? Of course you are! It's normal to feel that after having had so much freedom and adventure, returning to the mundane routine of everyday reality. Don't despair – what you're going through is completely natural.

Be a tourist in your own city
Imagine you have guests visiting you from a distant land. They are super excited to explore the city like a local. For imaginary guests, make a list of nearby must-see attractions—the best restaurants and bars, the most scenic spots, and historic sites. Now go to the places on your list, pretend you are on vacation. Of course, your town or city isn't like the place you were on vacation, but it has its own unique charms – and it's helpful to remind yourself of it every now and then.

Anticipate jet lag
The post-holiday blues isn't just a state of mind. Your circadian rhythm may be disrupted, especially if you've flown through different time zones. Jet lag can be annoying, but luckily there are also solutions to minimize the effects of jet lag, if not completely avoid it.

Make the holiday food at home
If you enjoyed the food at your holiday destination, why not make it at home. Recipes and specific herbs and spices can be found everywhere these days, so enjoy cooking. There is a strong connection between taste and memory.

Create a slideshow
Re-looking at your own vacation photos can help you reconnect with the happy times. Don't overdo it, nostalgia, works best in moderation.

Book another holiday
As soon as you book another holiday, you can start planning – and planning a holiday means replacing the holiday blues with the pre-holiday buzz.