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I've already lost my holiday feeling!

As the clock ticks at home, it ticks nowhere. Or the timer on my washing machine, that one too. Keeping that holiday feeling can be a problem. Although, all I have to do is stick my nose in the pile of towels, underpants and swimwear and I can smell the holiday smells again. Including all residual odors 😉 . We have only been in the school rhythm for a few weeks, but I have completely lost my holiday feeling again. At the end of the holidays I always feel like going home. But once I got home, I quickly needed a holiday again. Recognizable?

Table of Contents

Hold the holiday feeling? 5 minutes and then that feeling is over

Leaving home is only fun if you also enjoy coming home. And after a few weeks of camping I really do. The first 5 minutes. After that I actually immediately end up in the daily grind, although it now seems even busier than usual. Because the mountain of wax that is still in the car is very high. Just like the weeds in your garden. Did you come home? Then you have to get to work, the household and the holiday laundry are calling.

Read also :Going on holiday is hard work

That damn mountain was also…

The holiday laundry:with a bit of bad luck you need a few extra vacation days. And that's not even an exaggeration 😉 . A study by OMO has now shown that 37% of holidaymakers need an extra day off for their holiday laundry. He is also dirtier than usual, due to sweat or sunburn spots. Or because clothing is only put on once more due to a lack of clean shirts. I really can't get rid of it in one day, that mountain was. Do you?

If you prefer to have the smell of the campsite in your house, or if you are already busy with your work, then that mountain of laundry can best be left lying around for a while. Here at least!

You get my drift… keeping that holiday feeling is not that easy. Still, I personally hate that you're back in the rut within a week. We therefore have some great tips for you that you can use immediately after your next holiday (or during) to keep that holiday feeling longer!

That garden, the weeds are up to my knee!

When you get home, it turns out that you didn't have to look that far for a beautiful green environment. A jungle, you can just find it in your own garden 🙁 . You can leave it like that and camp in your own forest next year, but otherwise you will really have to go to the (green) box.

In our case, the boxwood moth has struck. Pruning is therefore no longer necessary, they are completely bare! The rest of the weeds cost me over a day's work!

Apparently the vacuum cleaner was also on holiday

It's always a mystery to me. The house has not been used and still covered with a layer of dust. How is that possible?

Mandatory visits after returning home

It's great to meet up with friends when you get home. Catch up while enjoying a good glass of wine, and of course your holiday photos. But when you get home, there are always a number of mandatory songs on the agenda that you secretly don't feel like doing. Your in-laws for example 😉 . Unfortunately, that is also part of coming home:having to recite your holiday stories ad nauseam. Maybe you can meet up with those nice people you met at your vacation spot? Talk about holding onto a holiday feeling. And at least you don't have to show them your holiday photos one more time.

My biggest negative about coming home:you're home again. In other words:the next holiday is a long time coming. Fortunately, the anticipation of a holiday lasts quite a long time for me. But for the time being you have nothing to look forward to… That is why you can ensure that the afterlife of your holiday lasts as long as possible. Holding on to your holiday feeling is less difficult than you think.

Maintain a holiday feeling:5 tips!

Alright, so the holidays are over. Is there no new holiday planned for the time being? Then see if you can plan a weekend getaway   to create some anticipation anyway.

No more budget? Then use one of these tips to hold on to your holiday feeling, or all of them!

1. Send a card… to your own address

We'll start with the best! What lies between that pile of mail and unopened bills? How nice, it's a postcard. From the campsite where YOU celebrated your holiday?! No, this is not an incredible coincidence. The ultimate way to hold onto your holiday feeling is to get a ticket. From that place. Yep, you'll have to send it yourself and you might find that a bit strange. But trust us it works!

It is also very nice to use a holiday photo. Have it made into a photo card and send it to your own partner or your friends who have been with you. For example to 'invite' them to number 3. How sweet!

2. Take a familiar scent

With holiday photos you keep your best memories for a long time. But did you know that your nose is your best memory? So use the same shampoo as on vacation or apply aftersun again. Imagine yourself back at your holiday spot in no time.

3. Local spices and wine

You can also trigger your memory through taste. When you get home, you might kill for a sprinkles sandwich. But you can bet that in a week you will be homesick for the spicy dishes of your holiday address! Take home some of the local spices (or recipes) and just prepare that festive holiday meal in your own kitchen. Or put a delicious bottle of wine home in your suitcase and plan a weekend where you serve a local dinner with matching wine. Add some nice candles and voilà.

4. The power of music

Do you always have a holiday number? One of those songs that gets completely blown over on French radio? Or on the CD with children's songs that has been on repeat until boredom? Then make sure that this song is added to your playlist. Because music is feeling. So listening to your holiday song means holding onto your holiday feeling!

5. Create a photo album

You probably also captured a lot of moments during this trip. If you want to retain that holiday feeling (even if only for a moment), browse through your photos again. Select the nicest snapshots and make a nice collector's album for them. Good for the holiday feeling, but also a great memory for a few years from now. Don't wait too long, because then the feeling may become more of an obligation. That would be a shame!

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