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Travel:12 natural pools in which we dream of swimming

Holidays often rhyme with beach and sea water . However, some of us do not (really) like sea water. It is salty, it irritates and the sand sticks when coming out of the water. Besides, it is divisive. We understand you, don't feel alone. If you are more of a fan of wild outings where nature reclaims its rights, find natural swimming pools should be a real pleasure for you. In general, you will find much more calm and serenity there than on the southern beaches crowded. Finally, the natural basins have everything good.

The natural swimming pool, a real haven of paradise!

By the power of nature , these natural basins have taken shape over the centuries, at the goodwill of the water . And if there is a real advantage to natural swimming pools , it is good that they are everywhere even if they often hide. Whether you are in France, Italy, Turkey, Greece or Mexico, nature doesn't seem to have any limits. So why not organize a trip around these nature reserves where you will feel very small in front of a majestic nature ? We have listed for you the most beautiful natural pools to visit.