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Weekend idea:5 good reasons to (re)discover the Algarve #2

For its hinterland

Leaving by jeep (with, I slipped through orange trees, flowering almond trees, fig trees, olive trees, quinces, carob trees and strawberry trees (from which we get the local alcohol, Medronho) on stony and bumpy paths , and on a red soil that sometimes makes you think of Africa, especially when the cacti get involved. The many numbered cork oaks remind us that Portugal is the world's leading cork producer. We visit the Novacortica factory to learn all about its operation and never look at a cork the same way again. It is also impossible here not to notice the Moorish style – the Arabs occupied the region for more than five centuries – which is felt in the shapes of the chimneys of the whitewashed houses of the village of Alte, in the architecture of the market of Loulé and even in the word "Algarve" which comes from Arabic

“Al Gharb” (the West).

To experience thrills

Helicopter flight over the entire coast, (sporty!) driving on the Automodro International do Algarve, one of the most beautiful motor racing circuits in Europe… I had my share of sensations! But the most impressive for me was this early morning walk in the gardens of the Epic Sana hotel which led me through the pine forest on the crest of the cliffs overlooking the beach of Falesia. Vertiginous! Especially when I discovered the “caution danger” sign on the way back…