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Tourists get trapped on glass bridge suspended over void in China

It seems that the best way to get rid of your fears is to face them directly. Getting close to a spider when you're arachnophobic (it's a definite no for the one who writes these lines), shaking hands with a clown when you're suffering from coulrophobia or even crossing a suspended glass bridge several hundred meters above the void to put an end to his fear of heights. The bravest can carry out this last experience in the mountainous region of Taihang-Shan, in China, but be warned:the crossing promises to be more traumatic than expected. And it is not only due to the approximately 1,200 meters that separate the bridge from the mainland, visible through the transparent walls...

Visual effects accompanied by sound effects

A "joke" (we let you judge the relevance of the term) has indeed been put in place to surprise tourists:as they progress on the bridge, the plates suddenly begin to crack, thus giving the impression that the glass is about to give way. Worse still, the effect, produced by LCD screens, is accompanied by noises of glass breaking... Ok if we don't actually die from a vertiginous fall, we are not sure of surviving a heart attack in the meantime … A series of video extracts in which we can see the unfortunate trapped people who are often panicked was posted on Youtube by a travel guide. And frankly, we feel bad for them… List of places where never to set foot:the Taihang-Shan bridge, CHECK!