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The longest suspension bridge in the world is in Switzerland

Located above the deepest valley in Switzerland (which crosses the place called Grabengufer located at the foot of the Dom, the highest mountain in Switzerland in the canton of Valais) and along its 494 meters and the top of its At 85 meters, the Charles Kuonen Bridge (in Randa) is the longest suspension bridge in the world. Closed in 2010 for risk of collapse, it has been completely redone for the pleasure of hikers and others looking for thrills!

Save time

This bridge saves a few hours for hikers on the Europaweg (Europe trail in VF). Without this bridge, you had to make a detour of more than 500 meters through the valley, with negative then positive then negative elevations… enough to get tired or even twist your ankle! In any case, it was enough for hikers and tourists to desert. Therefore, the municipality of Randa invested and refurbished the suspension bridge. It now bears the name of the main investor, Charles Kuonen. Suffice to say that from the top of its 85 meters, from its length of 494 meters and with its width of its 65 centimeters, it is better not to be dizzy and have a strong stomach to cross it, because who says suspension bridge also says instability. Even if it was built to absorb jolts, we are not immune to a little gust of wind...

If you like to be scared, this bridge is ideal (and close to France)!