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Easyjet equips itself with flying libraries for children

Airplane flights are often synonymous with boredom for children. To pass the time, the most used option is to offer them content on screen (phones, tablets, etc.). Easyjet wants to change that:all of the company's European flights will now be equipped with a "flybraries", i.e. a flying library (well, it doesn't really fly, it's on wheels, it's just for indicate that it is available when in flight). Concretely, 300 planes of the company will have on board more than 60,000 books intended for 6-12 year olds. The books will be available in 7 different languages. And for those wondering, it's free.

Books in the seat pockets

Instead of finding the airplane magazines (which no one reads by the way), 5 books will be in the seat pockets. The child will only have to choose the one he wants to read or be read by his parents. And if you don't have time to finish it, you can continue reading it on the dedicated site or buy it at a preferential price. For the moment, this initiative is only offered for the summer holidays. We hope it will be confirmed throughout the year!