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Holiday by car? These are the biggest blunders and annoyances along the way!

Now that the summer holidays have started, many Dutch people are going on holiday again by car. AutoScout24 has conducted research into the division of roles between men and women in the car. They also examined the biggest blunders and annoyances along the way. The Dutch agree that men (42%) are the best at estimating the distance to be driven and that women are generally not very good at this (13%). Other prejudices are also confirmed on holiday, because the survey shows that:
•54 percent of the Dutch consider men the best motorist on the foreign highway, 4 percent think women are better.
•The woman is also not completely convinced of her own driving skills abroad:6 percent of women indicate that they consider women the best driver.
•Men are not at all convinced that women drive better; only 2 percent think so. Men do consider themselves very suitable (64%).
•In terms of packing, it does not matter who takes on this task, as both men (34%), women (33%) and both (33%) mentioned the same amount are like 'the best car packer'.

On the other hand, women have different qualities. For example, women are again rated higher in the area of ​​'making themselves understood in an emergency':26 percent compared to 20 percent. And women are also seen more as the mood makers on the road:44 percent find the woman more pleasant in the car and 4 percent think that the men provide more entertainment.

The survey also looked at the biggest annoyances. On the way to or from their travel destination, 84 percent of Dutch people sometimes feel annoyed in the car. Despite the fact that it is unavoidable, 61 percent of the Dutch are most annoyed by traffic jams, road works and diversions. What else annoys the Dutch on their way to their holiday destination? Following are the biggest annoyances in the car:
1. Driving style of foreign drivers (25%)
2. Too little comfort in the car (14%)
3. The temperature in the car:too hot or too cold (14%)
4. A (travel) partner who does not pay attention and who thinks along along the way (9%)
5. The driving style of my (travel) partner (8%)
6. Too few or too many stops (8%)
7. A (travel) partner who is not fun or boring (8%)

Twelve percent of the Dutch:'I sometimes underestimated a heavy traffic jam while I was warned'
Sixty percent of the Dutch have made a mistake on the way to or from their holiday destination. Here's the top eight:
1. I sometimes drove completely wrong (25%)
2. I have sometimes underestimated a heavy traffic jam, while I was warned in advance (12%)
3. I sometimes got travel sick and vomited in the car (10%)
4. I once made a mess of the car by spilling food and drink (9%)
5. I have sometimes misjudged the distance to the holiday destination (8%)
6. I was once stopped by foreign police for committing an offense (6%)
7. I once had a high phone bill because I left my mobile data on (5%)
8. I have sometimes run out of gas (4%)