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5 good reasons to (re)go to Los Angeles #4

To meet stars

Finally, it appears. If Bernard, my super French-speaking Cali'fun guide, is full of anecdotes about the VIPs he meets, even jostles, on a daily basis, no matter how much I open my eyes, not the slightest Johnny Depp or Léonardo di Caprio at the horizon… Even at Melrose Place where I dine at the very chic Fig and Olive! No matter, here, it is the city itself that takes center stage. Everywhere, I have the impression of evolving in an open-air XXL cinema set, everywhere I have the impression of having already come. In Downtown, I discover, admiringly, the superb central courtyard of the Bradbury Building where The Artist and Blade Runner were filmed, and recognize the silhouette of the U.S. Bank Tower for having already seen it in the film Independence Day... At the Observatory in Griffith Park, where I went up to admire the city as a whole before sunset, I rediscovered the "fury of life" a stone's throw from the rattlesnakes and coyotes…

Go there with Air Tahiti Nui, Paris/Los Angeles in daily non-stop flights departing from Roissy from €745 including tax, including the TGV journey for passengers from the provinces. 0 825 02 42 02 (€0.15/min),

Where to stay:Mama Shelter Los Angeles, from $149/night excluding tax, 6500 Selma Avenue, +323 785 6600,

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