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5 good reasons to (re)go to Thessaloniki #1

To help Greece

The crisis is not a reason to shun the country! On the contrary, to help the Greeks, we must show solidarity. Especially since Thessaloniki, which has ideas to spare, is the laboratory of Athens in terms of creativity. I took a trip to the Dynamo Project-Space (Typou 5), an underground exhibition center for photography, design and contemporary art. Then I strolled around the old docks transformed into a cultural hub with the Museum of Photography and the Center for Contemporary Art. This is the place where young people meet in the evening to drink ouzo and beer on the cobblestones.

To shop for design objects

2nd Floor stands out with its selection of Greek products, and jeweler Katerina Ioannidis makes lovely lucky charms. On the advice of designers 157+173 (, who make wooden and concrete lamps, I took a look at Object2Repair, which recycles objects in unusual ways, such as these cans of oil from turned into stools. Finally, rue Tositsa is lined with antique dealers whose stalls tell the story of the city's past, at the crossroads of cultures:samovars, caftans...

For swimming

But especially not in the waters of the port, dirty and very polluted. To swim, we jump on the bus n° 69, direction Epanomi beach. Better, I went to the bay of Vourvourou, 1h30 by car from the city. On one of the three peninsulas of Chalkidiki, we discover Ekies All Senses Resort, a hotel where you can also come during the day and enjoy the heavenly beach (the forest comes into the water) or the swimming pool , and lunch on site. It's far, but definitely worth the trip. Another option, but without swimming, is a boat trip around the mythical Mount Athos, forbidden to women. This will be the only way for us to approach him.