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Traveling helps to move forward in life

" Travel shapes the young. This saying, we have all heard it before, but does it really reflect reality? Yes, according to a new study carried out by the accommodation booking site Booking. Conducted among 15,077 participants living in 20 different countries including the United States, Brazil, France, China and New Zealand, this study reveals that travel changes lives. Just that!

Better than a first kiss

Going on an adventure would give new impetus to some, since 13% of those questioned would have changed jobs after a first travel experience and 21% would have decided to move! Discovering new countries would also promote personal well-being, since 65% of respondents say it has helped them gain self-confidence. Even more surprising, 53% of respondents say that a first trip is more exhilarating than a first date. But that's not all:many people think that this experience is more exciting than a first job (51%), than making new friends (62%) and even than a first kiss (36% )!

It's high time to pack our bags!