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At White Cliffs in Australia, the inhabitants live underground

Far from clichés of Australia that are the immense beaches filled with surfers, the big modern cities or the ranches filled with kangaroos and other atypical animals, is the city of White Cliffs. A city in the Outback region that seemingly only lets a few buildings out of the ground. And yet, it has 200 inhabitants. Most of them live underground, in the mind-blowing houses they have built. In addition to the dwellings, there are also under the ground of White Cliffs, motels, a church and businesses. Amazing!

Protect yourself from the heat

It was after scorching heat waves that the inhabitants of White Cliffs built these underground dwellings. In 1973, the highest temperature ever recorded in the region was recorded:48.6°C. And it is not uncommon for temperatures to be above 40°C for much of the year. Thus, the inhabitants adapted to difficult living conditions and created this underground city, which allows them to stay cool during the summer. A totally crazy way of life but which can inspire some!