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4 tips to make it easier to fall asleep on a plane

Sleeping on a plane is something complicated:the cabin is noisy, sometimes smells bad, there is agitation and stress around us and above all, we are seated. No wonder even people who don't have trouble sleeping often have trouble taking a nap in the air. Sleeping pills and alcohol are sometimes used to fall into the arms of Morpheus, but in reality they are more bad than good (sleep is not restorative, and we are not talking about hangovers or difficulty to wake up when we arrive…). So, what to do to succeed in sleeping at 10,000 m above the ground? Here are 4 avenues to try.

1/ Use an eye mask

The eyelids allow 10 to 15% of visible light to pass through. And we all know there's nothing worse when trying to fall asleep than being disturbed by light. Wearing an eye mask tells the brain to sleep, and by the way, we show our neighbor that we are not in the mood to talk...

2/ Stay hydrated

The plane is extremely dehydrating for the skin and the body. Drinking water is therefore essential, especially if you do not want to wake up because of dry mouth. We therefore do not hesitate to ask the hostesses for water regularly (even we buy a bottle of water before the flight and have it filled).

3/ Choose the right flight schedule

Unless you're one of those people who can fall asleep wherever and whenever they want, it's hard to close your eyes and let go in minutes. If this is our case, we must try to book routes where the flights coincide with our night or very early flights, which force us to wake up earlier than usual and therefore be tired.

4/ Relax

Easy to say, we know, but it works! We try to find an activity that relaxes us (listening to music, watching a movie, reading a book, doing crosswords, etc.), just to make the flight more pleasant. Normally, after a while, we will let go and falling asleep should become possible.

Have a nice flight!!