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This is how you avoid problems when you go on holiday with friends

Going on vacation with your best friends can be the most rewarding thing you'll ever do. However, it is important to take some time to ensure that the journey goes smoothly for everyone. Here are some tips to help you travel optimally with your friends!

* Before booking, all individual needs, goals and preferences should be discussed to ensure you are on the same page.

* Do you want a relaxing holiday or do you want to see all the sights? Plan ahead and align to avoid any conflict during the holidays.

* Money can be a sensitive subject, so it is important to set a budget beforehand. Make sure everyone knows and is happy with the planned releases.

* Try to pay outstanding balances (deposits etc.) as soon as possible. Often one person in the group takes charge of arranging things, so be aware and pay them back before they ask.

* The most important thing when traveling is the health of you and your friends. Make sure everyone gets the correct vaccinations before you leave, if necessary.

* It can be difficult to be away from home. The great thing about traveling with your girlfriends is that you can be open and honest with them about your emotions. Keep an eye out for each other, especially anyone who is acting strangely, they may just need a friend to talk to.

* Girlfriends will annoy you at some point but forgive quickly! There's no point in holding a grudge and spoiling your vacation. Hug and make up for it and enjoy your trip to the fullest!

* Discuss what is needed for the trip. Make sure everyone is organized and has the correct papers and supplies together. Not preparing is preparing to fail!