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Travel advice France and (re)booking a holiday

Just to get straight to the point… we have a week's holiday in France due, but we are very unsure whether we should go now. For various reasons, by the way, but the main reason is of course Corona. And all the rules surrounding it with regard to the travel advice of France. Now I kind of regret that we didn't book through a travel advisor who knows everything about the country we are going to. Anyway, things done don't change. If you want to book another holiday (now or for next year), check out what a personal travel advisor can do for you!

What about all the rules and travel advice in France?

Three weeks ago we were under the impression that we would be able to go on holiday to the Ardèche without too much worry and hassle. A week later, that feeling changed, of course, because the Netherlands turned red on the Corona map. The travel advice to France also changed at that time. Actually, in one week we went from 'going on holiday' to 'staying at home'. And also at home or in the Netherlands it is nice to have a holiday, but a week in a cottage in this region together with friends of ours is preferable.

Based on the Corona status in the Netherlands, we also delved into the travel advice of France a little more. But what a hassle that is dude, it changes from day to day. We have therefore decided not to make any decisions yet and just wait and see.

Would-or-not-travel to France with this advice?

Frank and I have both been vaccinated once and vaccination number two is on the way. It is scheduled for this week. Luc has also already had his first vaccination. Personally, I wasn't that shy about it, but as an almost seventeen-year-old he naturally has something to say about it himself. Lotte, on the other hand, has not yet been vaccinated and I am not really excited about that either. She is only 12 years old!

And then came the news that children between 12 and 17 years old in France are not allowed to visit a catering establishment or other public place if they have not been vaccinated or cannot present a recent negative test. Well great. We were provided with a second vaccination just in time. Luc is late with number two. He gets it just before our planned departure date and Lotte has nothing. Now I hear you think… if those are the requirements for France, then you can have it tested according to the travel advice? But Lotte is terrified of the testing because of her trauma surrounding her unstoppable nosebleeds and hemolacrie. It's just not an option to have her tested every two days. Incidentally, this advice was already adjusted a day later. Now it only applies from August 30th.

What would be an option is to stay in the house and not go anywhere else. But it is quite a journey for such a holiday 😉 . If we are in a holiday country, we also like to go on trips there. So I find it quite a hassle to keep up with all that travel advice in France. Even though you can find a few things at the Netherlands worldwide. It is a lot easier if you have booked through a personal travel advisor, who you can also go to with all your questions afterwards. Because the entry restrictions, corona measures, quarantine requirements and vaccination requirements vary a lot in countries, but also from day to day. At Personal Touch Travel, that is a piece of personal service that you receive.

Apart from corona

Apart from Corona, it is of course useful to engage such a personal travel advisor. You can put all your wishes for a nice holiday there. Where do you want to go? What kind of trip are you looking for? And which conditions are important to you during your holiday? You discuss it with your advisor at home at the kitchen table or somewhere on the road where it suits you best. Super handy right? You can also contact them online, but it only takes a moment to indicate what (personal) service you can expect from them. Regardless of the travel advice that applies in France or another holiday country.

What are you doing with your vacation this year? Are you just going? Are you staying in the Netherlands or in your own backyard?