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Tiny Houses, to enjoy life in miniature

Ohhh I'm in love! In love with a house! And not just any house, a Tiny House! Maybe you've already seen one? A kind of "Playmobil home" to live in and enjoy beautiful special places. When you're tired of the place, you pick up your house and go again. How delicious does that sound!? Discovering beautiful places is possible, because well… Tiny Houses often don't need a mortgage! A Tiny House is nothing more than a tiny house. Such a super cute little house that is fully equipped. A toilet, shower, sleeping areas, kitchenette and sitting area. You don't need more, do you?

Tiny Houses, tranquility, space and dung beetles

Space appeals to me, especially with children! Space to live, play and discover. What better place to do that than just being outside. So don't have too much space indoors, but stay in the open air, wonderful! Our children love peace, space, nature and conviviality. I say Tiny House come on over! Last holiday I once again noticed that the toys that have been collecting dust in the house for months are no longer interesting (read:necessary). Dung beetles, dandelions and babbling brooks make them happier. Oh yeah… and endlessly cycling the same laps. That should be possible with ease around a Tiny House 😉 .

Declutter and reduce consumption with Tiny Houses

Perhaps that's the nicest thing that appeals to me! declutter! Of course you can't take all your stuff from your home to a Tiny House. That will never and never fail. So… then you have to! A bit like Johanna wrote a while ago:

I think it would be fantastic to give away all my possessions and start over with a house without plastic junk, rubbish and much more rubbish. Just pick out a few personal valuables that you can take with you and the rest GONE!

Back to basics

I can relate to it, back to then! Then happiness was very common and it was really not about beautiful things, status and surpassing each other. Today it is unfortunately different. Of course it is up to you whether you participate in all the craziness. Are you a herd animal or do you follow your own path? But if you can explore the world with Tiny Houses and get a taste of every culture, that would be wonderful. Ultimately, it's about whether you can live together in a small setting without a lot of stuff. The idea alone makes me happy! Now just to convince my husband. At least I know what I'm going to look for… for the next mini vacation!

But if you want to know more about Tiny Houses, there is already something to be found on the internet. For example, Marjolein has a website about her own Tiny House and there is also a nice Facebook page about Tiny Houses. Nice to have a look around without obligation!

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*image used via Shutterstock