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Feast at Greek restaurant Milos in The Hague

It was that time again:we went to the Greek (no, I know, not very surprising). This time we went to enjoy a meal at Greek restaurant Milos in The Hague. Today I will tell you more about our experiences, the food, the service and the atmosphere.

Getting some fresh air in Scheveningen

A few weeks ago I got it in my head to drive to Scheveningen on Saturday afternoon. We set off in good spirits, already having doubts at the beginning of the journey. After all, it was already later and besides, I saw a lot of fog. In the end I persevered, because once I have something in my head it is difficult to get it out. But how I regretted that. After almost 2 hours of driving, many laps looking for a parking space, we were finally where we wanted to be. Only:in Scheveningen it was freezing cold and the wind was terrible. I was dressed fairly warmly, but I had misjudged it (stupid, stupid, stupid, because I lived in Scheveningen for a large part of my childhood).

Anyway, we didn't last long on the beach. The pier brought relief and especially warmth, but we didn't stay there for very long. My daughter thought it was enough and I honestly did too. Driving straight back was not an option, so we dived into the Social Deal app to find a restaurant. Not surprisingly, we ended up with a Greek again. Our choice fell on Greek restaurant Milos.

Greek restaurant Milos

Greek restaurant Milos is a not too big restaurant in The Hague. The restaurant is easily accessible and you can park for free in the area. The menu is very extensive and with a choice of no less than 99 dishes, there is something for everyone. The dishes range from a simple salad to a mixed grill. Vegetarian options are also on the menu. When you book through Social Deal you usually have a limited choice, but this one was still quite large. When it comes to drinking, there is also plenty of choice.

Unfortunately I have no pictures of the outside because it was already very dark and too cold to take extensive pictures. It was too busy inside and I can't take pictures for privacy reasons 😉

Feast at Greek restaurant Milos in The Hague

As mentioned, we have again placed a reservation via Social Deal. Ideal because that way you can eat out cheaply. This deal involved a three-course dinner for 5.25 p.p. A great price when you consider that you can choose from different starters, main courses and desserts.

On arrival we were assigned a table in the middle of the restaurant. In itself a nice place, but it soon turned out that our table was less favorable than we thought. It took almost half an hour before the waiter found out that we still had no drinks. Then it took another 20 minutes for the order to be taken and another long time for the starters to arrive. Unfortunately I was overlooked and I only got my starter when the rest had already finished eating. Not really cosy.

The main course also took a very long time. More than 1.5 hours after we were in the restaurant we could enjoy our main course. It even had to be specifically requested. Fortunately, they understood then and we got dessert fairly quickly afterwards.

Apart from the fact that our table was somehow overlooked the food was excellent. The portions were even large and very varied. That also applied to the dessert. After dinner we were packed.

Unfortunately there was another jammer that evening in the restaurant and not in the form of the service. At the table behind us were two couples, one of whom was tired. The man had loose hands and grabbed the control by the hips and even lowered the hand towards the buttocks. The whole restaurant was annoyed by the whole attitude and behavior of these people. The service itself was also tired. Unfortunately, the people stayed as long as we did. They have already left, laughing and tossing. I hope they got home safely, slept off their daze and behaved differently from now on. Because the behavior was downright derogatory, especially towards the staff.

That aside, the food was tasty and good, if the service pays more attention next time that everyone in the restaurant is served on time, then I'm sure they can turn the 9.1 on Social Deal into a 9.5.

Address of this hotspot

Greek restaurant Milos

Avenue van Wateringse Veld 69

2548 BK The Hague

Phone:070 3599146

Opening hours

Monday to Sunday 17:00 – 22:00 hrs